It has now not been able to import to my session three times and each time the above has worked to be able to use the importer.

So I take and give it a different location then go back to the original Drive D in this case and whala it works. even though all photo show in the importer and every thing looks fine, it has lost it's path.
The Solution I have found is On the import drive / location. Open System Preferences Click Security & Privacy Click Full Disk Access (and unlock if locked) Click + to add an application Navigate to /System/Library. I have started a Report with C1 support but have gotten no response yet and I have a ton of work to get done and I am at a stand still till I get a operating software. Fixing Error 9956 When Trying to Import Videos from iPhone using Image Capture On your iPhone, go to Settings -> Camera -> Formats, and select. It literally did this mid session when I went to add more photos from a second SD Card. I have made sure the directive to which folder and from which location are correct. I have changed every thing, I have tried different card readers, cables, I have restarted the PC and even uninstalled and re installed C1 23 and still the same thing import does not start. But on my NEW machine, itll re-import the same files over and over and over again. I select my images hit import 50 images and the importer goes away however the import never starts. On the OLD machine, Image Capture properly did NOT re-import items that it 'knew' had already been imported. It the past I could restart my PC and it would work.