Call of duty 4 modern warfare intro tv#
I could have done the tv room fight faster but this was the only fight in the game that made me want to smash my keyboard through my monitor, so once I got it just about right, I left it that way. At situations like this I just hated to speedrun this game, since it kinda wasn't your own fault that you had to start again, it was the game's idiotic AI. Every now and then Vasquez didn't even come to the station and when I ran back to see what had happened, he was shooting happily at some enemies. I did about 20 tries before I got a time that I was happy with. Sometimes it takes Vasquez 30 seconds to get to the station, sometimes 25 or 23 etc. This is where I discovered a strange thing. I choose all the fastest possible routes to the tv-station and basically run past enemies so that I don't waste time killing them. Other than that the mission is straight-forward. For some reason I take my time killing them. The time it takes Price to open the door to the next area is fixed to a certain point so if you just kill everyone before Price gets there, you're ok. It really doesn't matter how long you take killing the first enemies. I guess the game thinks at this point that he is stuck and starts the dialogue with Gaz as if he was there with him. So what I do is make him stop running by shooting at his feet. When you have eliminated everyone in the container room and Price goes and examines the container, he doesn't really need to get there to start the dialogue. I did find a nice little trick at the end. There's pretty much nothing in this mission that could speed things up other than killing everyone as fast as possible and that's what I do. I also recorded the run in 1280x800 resolution so there's real high quality videos available. Also this run is not done in arcade mode which means no annoying cartoon characters floating around constantly. I only ran the missions that are currently up in SDA. I edited the videos so that sometimes the segments changes are totally invisible to the human eye. Some facts: The game has only an autosave option for saving and it's compeletely random at some situations. I used thousands and thousands tries on various situations to get them just right and I'm glad that I pushed myself because I'm finally satisfied with the run. You really need to be an experienced fps player to achieve a good run in this game since most of the time the way to progress fastest in situations is to eliminate all enemies. This might have something to do with the fact that this was my first real project and thus was something new and exiting. CoD4 isn't the best game for speedrunning, but nevertheless I enjoyed running it enormously. I tried my best to make the run as good as possible.